I think that we have all heard of the "love languages" and have probably figured out which ones we feel most loved by and how we love others. I think that the love languages is interesting, but I also think that everyone's number one love language is words of affirmation. Some may say, "no way! I love to get gifts!" but actually I think that everyone really loves to be encouraged and affirmed. We just don't know how much we really love it and need it. How would anybody be successful if somebody didn't encourage them and affirm that they can indeed conquer the world...or maybe that really tough class, or get the job that they think is way out of their reach. Some people probably are just self driven and determined, but for the majority I think it is because somebody believed in them! They affirmed them and encouraged them.
Recently I was hanging out with one of my friends that I hadn't seen in a few months, as we were talking I told him that I really admired how he really pursued his goals and didn't give up. I had been meaning to tell him for awhile, but had never gotten around to it until that moment. After we went our separate ways and he went back to another state, I got a letter from him in the mail saying thank you for what I had said to him, then he encouraged me. It was awesome! "It's more blessed to give than receive" We all know that, and sometimes I put that verse in a box and think that it means to give tangible things like gifts, or something, which for me that is how I love people, by giving them things and it brings me sooo much joy and I get so excited! But also when I give words of encouragement I am blessed! I am blessed because I get to see how much those words really meant to that person, and someday maybe I'll see how my words maybe changed somebodies life. The tongue is powerful, more powerful than we give it credit.
If we didn't want to be affirmed why would we have facebook, twitter, instagram, and all the other social media! We want people to know what we are doing and that we are awesome! We want people to think we are awesome. That's why I check all my social media like a hundred times a day! I want to see how many people are thinking that I'm awesome! I want to see their compliments and comments and likes. Social media only goes so far though. I like when people tell me face to face that I'm cool, that I look nice.
I've been trying to give people more compliments when I think they look nice, or did a good job on something, instead of just thinking it but never saying it. Giving a compliment or word of encouragement isn't that hard, but we rarely ever do it. Why not? Is it pride? We don't want to build somebody else up, because we think we are the best? That's really lame! I think we all can relate to the feeling when somebody says you look nice, or you did well, suddenly you have the power to run a mountain! It's a great feeling to see somebody smile and light up because you gave them a compliment, even a perfect stranger. I think we would all be surprised if we could see how every word we spoke affected people.
There is more that I could elaborate about this subject, but maybe you just think about it. Maybe go ask somebody how positive words affected their lives, and how negative words affected their lives. Go encourage somebody, don't wait, don't just think it, say it! Change somebodies moment, day, life!