Sometimes I think it would be cool to have my own camera team to document everything I would save me writing time in my journal that's for sure. Then there are other times when I'm not thinking about having a camera team at all, but I am sure there must be hidden camera around and I'm going to end up on some tv show looking ridiculous! If I had my own camera crew I could at least edit the material to always make myself look awesome and funny and never boring! But if there are hidden camera's around I would then be exposed for how ridiculous I really am.
All this thought about camera's following me was really brought up by a memory I had tonight while I was taking a shower in our little shower in the basement, my memory was jogged. It reminded me about a time I was in Bulgaria last summer. The shower in the basement bathroom is really small, but the bathroom is small so the shower had to be small. While I was showering I thinking about how difficult it was to manage in there and how I didn't think I had ever been in such a small shower. But then I remembered that I actually had!
My last day in Bulgaria I stayed with the oldest daughter of the missionaries I had been with. She lived in the capital and that is where I was flying out of to come back home. I had to be up real early in the morning to catch a taxi to the airport, so I woke up an hour earlier to take a shower and make sure all my stuff was in order. I wanted to wake up 3:30, but I was so paranoid that I wouldn't wake up I kept waking up every 15 minutes, and then unfortunately I woke up at 4!
I rushed around and tried to take my shower, but this bathroom was about the size of a closet and so it was a very interesting trial trying to shower quickly without getting water everywhere and soaking my was an open shower, no curtains or anything. It was quite the ordeal trying to manage. I then got dressed and got myself put together. After some confusion with the taxi and which airport I was going to, we finally got it all sorted out and I made it to the airport on time, some what frazzled, but on time!
Out of all the flights I have had I have never had my bags searched, but of course this time when I am flustered the most because of my frantic morning, my bags would be searched. Security pulled me aside and started to unload my backpack, apparently something had showed up on screen. I don't know why but it seemed like I packed all my underwear in my backpack too. If anyone knows me I always pack lots of underwear, I have some weird fear of running out or something! I think it goes back to the time when I was still wearing pull-ups and one Sunday I forgot to change out of my pull-ups into my big girl panties for church...needless to say I don't think I have ever been so devastated in life when I went to Sunday school and sat down in the little wooden chairs. Trying to conceal the noise of a pull-up on a wooden chair is like trying to conceal cymbals in a library! I'm pretty sure that it was at that moment in my life I swore that I would never be without underwear, an abundance of underwear at that as long as I live! So there I was in that airport having the foreign male guard pull out all of my underwear...I guess I can be happy they weren't pull-ups!
He then asks me if I have a knife! The female guard then jumped in very quickly and said NO NO! and asked if I had anything metal in my bag. I then pulled out the flashlight in the front pocket that I forgot to put in the other bag! They apologized then the male guard asked if I wanted help repacking my bag. Somewhat frustrated but trying to keep my cool, I told him no and I think I can now manage my underwear alone! Those are the times where you have to think, where are the cameras...well considering I was in an international airport there were cameras I guess haha. I just never ended up on a tv show. I think what made all of this a little worse was that when I went to the bathroom I saw how awful I really looked haha. Lack of sleep and a tiny bathroom where very cruel to me. No wonder the other guard didn't think I had a knife, I looked like a poor lost American trying to get home. Not the put together world traveler I thought I was appearing to be! What was so frustrating then, is now quit humorous, which is how most of my stories go I suppose. Maybe one day I'll just make a movie and re-enact all the times I wish I had a camera, and throw in all the ridiculous times that I now find humorous.
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