Sunday, October 6, 2013

Awakened To Dream

I was talking to a friend today and she was asking me how Clothe Syria was going. I told her it was going really well, and how it has been so cool to see how God has opened doors and how my small dream has caused me to dream even bigger. I also told her that it has been cool, because I haven’t dreamed in a long time. When I started college I always thought I would go straight from graduation to the mission field, but it didn’t turn out that way.
Some would say I was hit with “real life” like having loans to pay off, and having to get a job to pay those loans off.  I know as you get older there are responsibilities you have to take care of, BUT I do not think paying off loans, getting jobs, even getting married and having kids, is what God created us for! I love God, but if the above is the extent of why He created me and the rest of the human race, “Here you go humans; here is your REAL LIFE!” Then it is pretty lame and I want my money back! No, I believe He had/has so much more in store and we NEED to be awakened to it!
Going back to my conversation with my friend, after I told her that I had started to dream again, she said “Oh like awakened!” I told her yes, and it was funny that she used that word, because the word “awakened” has been coming up a lot! I repeated the conversation to my sister, and she said it is funny because awakened and dreaming does not go together. You dream when you are asleep. My mind really started going after that!
I started to think how in dreams, most of the time, they are absurd and crazy and stuff happens in dreams that could never happen in real life! Then I started to think about how people treat their lives like they are sleeping and in dreams. Stay with me here! I wonder a lot how cool it would be if everybody was living to their full potential. It would solve probably a majority, no, all of the problems in the world! BUT since we go around like we are sleeping and in crazy absurd dreams, “real life” seems to be as good as it gets.
HOWEVER! I think God placed something inside of each of us that longs for more! Not just longs for more, but is very capable of getting more! I believe we all have dreams inside of us that could change the world and we HAVE to be awakened to those dreams! Sometimes when I am having a bad dream, I will tell myself to wake up; I have to shake myself awake to get out of the bad dream! In the same way, our world is stuck in a bad dream, but the bad dream is people living apathetic, lame lives thinking the longing deep within is a crazy absurd dream and they should stay asleep instead of shaking themselves and AWAKENING to the God given longing and dream He placed inside of each of us that COULD CHANGE THE WORLD! Awake oh sleeper!
WE WERE CREATED FOR MORE! But we have been confused and mislead to believe we are awake and what we have is it! But I say NO! We do not even know what it means to be awake! To be awake is terrifying and WONDERFUL all at the same time! It is terrifying because you see just how small you really are in a world of pain and suffering, but it is wonderful because God ALWAYS uses the small for the mightiest of deeds!  When we take the dream that God placed inside of us, that we may think is crazy and absurd, and could never happen, but awake ourselves to the possibility of God using it, IT IS AWESOME to see what He does. And as we see God fulfill those dreams, you have to start dreaming bigger and bigger dreams, because you see how easy it was for God to fulfill the first one! He placed the dream inside of you; OF COURSE, he can handle it and fulfill it! GOD IS FAITHFUL! It would be against His nature not to be faithful.

AWAKE! AWAKE! AWAKE! Shake yourself out of your slumber! YOU have a dream! Awake to that dream! What is the passion and longing deep within you?! I DARE you to dream! 

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