Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Next time I'll take the drive through!

Today after I swam laps I decided that I would grab the new Cantina bowl at Taco Bell before I headed to take care of my grandma for the day. I don't usually eat fast food for lunch, but I figured today would be the exception. As I was pulling up there was a line for the drive through so I figured going in would be faster. As I walked to the door I see an old man who looked homeless sitting in front of Taco Bell eating a bag of chips. As I neared the door he started talking to me, but I couldn't really hear him or understand what he was saying, I said "sorry?" and he just shrugged so I continued inside. 
The guy behind the counter asked me how I was, which I replied with "I'm doing well," then continued to order my Cantina bowl. He repeated the order back to me and then asked how I was again. I was a little confused since he had already asked me, maybe I wasn't convincing enough the first time, or he just really wanted me to pour out a dialog of how I was really feeeeling. Since I was confused by being asked a second time it created an awkward pause to which I then let out an exhale/sigh that I was fine, all the while looking to make sure he didn't have an earpiece in and was really talking to me. 
I was then saved from pouring out my heart to the Taco Bell order taker, by one of my friends who works at Taco Bell. I hadn't seen him in a few years so I might have been overly happy to see him, or maybe to just be saved from the other guy. After the initial "hey!" my friend asked me how my trip was, followed by "you did go on a trip right?" Now I'm always a bit thrown by this question. Since I go overseas like once a year I never know if I am being asked about my last trip overseas, which would have been India over spring break, or if he was asking about my recent trip to Florida. We are friends on facebook so he could have seen it there, but I wasn't sure, so I then proceed to over answer his question. There is something about Taco Bell employees, they are going to get information out of me! 
By this time my food was ready so I grabbed it and proceeded back to my car, praying that it isn't Jesus sitting on the curb (ya know the whole Matt. 25:37 story), get in my car drive to my grandma's and realize that I'm locked out of her house! 

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